Ekphrasis – Kaleidoscope
Ekphrasis: (n.) the use of detailed description of a work of visual art as a literary device.
A few months ago, a dear writer friend introduced me to the concept of Ekphrasis – using art as the inspiration for a piece of writing. During an El Paso Writer’s League meeting, I had the opportunity to view five art pieces and write a short piece about them.
Yvonne Collins – my friend – is an artist as well as a writer, and she created each of these art pieces, some for fun and some for commission. I’m pleased to share her art with you as well as the words they inspired.

When I first saw this picture, I was reminded of my 2016 trip to Alaska and all the wild colors under the massive sky. The image of the dog spoke themes of pride and courage to me, bringing to mind one of my favorite dogs in fiction – Buck – and his unforgettable journey to and through the Alaskan frontier.
The wilds of Alaska will always be home. Big skies in every hue of blue; majestic mountains soaring high overhead. Endless forests of green pines defying gravity as they grow ever upward. He surveys his domain. His since birth. He – a warden, a guardian, a king. Ears up, he listens, and hears (like always) the call of the wild.